From WordPress 3.4 onwards, we can log into WP backend using custom URLs such as or /dashboard. For those who do not wish to wait that long, here is the quick tip on how to do it now without a plugin. Please note that rewrite isn’t a good place to implement it. That’s why it is
going to be implemented as part of the canonical API in 3.4. Continue reading “Custom Login URL for WordPress”
Varnish for the masses – Simple Hosting Review
Last month, sent a tweet providing free hosting for a month on their simple hosting package. As I already purchased a domain from them and was already looking for a host, I immediately replied and received the promo code within minutes. I’ve been using their service for about 20 days now. So, here is a quick review on how it went on so far, how it fares comparing to other hosting providers, its advantages over others and its unique disadvantages! Continue reading “Varnish for the masses – Simple Hosting Review”