Aptitude or apt-get?

It’s 2017. I started using linux in 1999. Yes, I am getting older and older. I have always used apt-get on Debian based servers or distributions. However, in recent times, I am getting more frustrated to use apt-get. To be precise, I may want to install a package. So, I start to type apt-get. Then I may be unsure, if the package by the exact name exists. So, I tend to search the package/s, instead of installing it. Now, I have to use apt-cache to search packages. Sigh!

Note: Now we have apt to solve the above frustration!

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Crooky Cron

What Is Cron?

In simple terms, cron is a job scheduler in unix-like operating systems. It is also called as system cron or OS cron especially if the discussion is also about WP Cron. The job can be anything that needs to be done at a particular time. The job could be an one-time job (such as launching a rocket at a scheduled time) or repetitive (such as turning the lights on upon sunset and turning them off upon sunrise, every day!). Basically, the system cron is a program that runs all the time just to trigger a particular action at a particular time. You can throw hundreds of tasks on it to do at various intervals. System cron is like robot who is always available at your service!

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Recommend Settings for Redis Object Cache Plugin

WordPress Object Cache system allows transients to be stored in object cache backend, such as APC, Memcached or Redis. Without an object cache, the transients are stored in the database itself. This is the default. You could verify this yourself by looking at the (wp_)options table in the database. Fortunately, we have options to store these transients in the memory using one of the backends mentioned above. Among these, Redis has become stable and is production-ready. There are two WP plugins available that use Redis as WP Object Cache. First one is Eric Mann’s plugin. The second plugin is by Till Krüss who forked the former and made it better.

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