Crooky Cron

What Is Cron?

In simple terms, cron is a job scheduler in unix-like operating systems. It is also called as system cron or OS cron especially if the discussion is also about WP Cron. The job can be anything that needs to be done at a particular time. The job could be an one-time job (such as launching a rocket at a scheduled time) or repetitive (such as turning the lights on upon sunset and turning them off upon sunrise, every day!). Basically, the system cron is a program that runs all the time just to trigger a particular action at a particular time. You can throw hundreds of tasks on it to do at various intervals. System cron is like robot who is always available at your service!

Continue reading “Crooky Cron”

2013 Year in Review

We are already in 2014. However, it is probably the right time to take a look back at what happened last year.

Among so many things happened in 2013, the following come on top of my head. These events and products are related to performance, WordPress, security and other misc stuff. Please feel free to comment, if I missed anything.

Google Compute Engine became generally available in December 12, 2013. Continue reading “2013 Year in Review”

Fix Incorrect IP Address in WP Comments

Image of an IP logoThe cost of running a VPS is becoming cheaper and cheaper. There are more things we could get for the same bucks. Once your site is ready for a VPS, there are multiple server stack options available, than the traditional LAMP setup. For example, you could completely ignore Apache and can use Nginx with php-fpm . Either case, you wouldn’t have any issues related to IPs in comments. However, on a complicated setups, such as Varnish => Nginx => php-fpm or Nginx => Apache, or Varnish => Apache, WordPress doesn’t display the IP address of the visitors correctly. There is nothing wrong with WordPress. It’s all about the implementation. Forwarding the correct client IP can be tricky as the complexity of the server stack increases. There are situations where you just don’t have any options to forward the correct address. Continue reading “Fix Incorrect IP Address in WP Comments”

WordPress Backup Solutions

WordPress backup solutions!Do you have a backup strategy for your WordPress site?

If you have never asked the following questions to yourself, then this article is for you…

  • What to backup?
  • Where to backup?
  • How to backup?

This (not so) tiny article discusses the proper way to archive your data, shows the various options available to do the same. If you ever care about your WP powered site, take a minute to read further. Continue reading “WordPress Backup Solutions”

Google PR vs Page Speed

PageSpeed Logo

Update: As of April 2016, Google has shut down PageRank data to the public.

Google has repeatedly mentioned that site speed, load time and performance of a site does matter for Google on search engine rankings. While I’m not into SEO and I rarely cared about Google PageRank in particular, I have been in shock for the past 10 days or so, even since my Piwik statistics showing me that this site’s Google PR went from nil to 5!!!!! Yes, that f-i-v-e, five out of the maximum of 10! Continue reading “Google PR vs Page Speed”
