Excluding iPad from wp_is_mobile!

Mobile Detect Logo
Mobile Detect Logo by Dragoș Gavrilă!

wp_is_mobile function in WordPress considers iPad as mobile! This scenario creates issues on iPad, iPad Pro, or any relevant tablets. To be precise, iPads are shown a mobile version of a site rather than the desktop version! Searching the internet didn’t yield a clean way to overcome this situation. Heck, there are even plugins to detect mobile devices and to exclude iPads from being mobiles.

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Is Your Awesome Site Mobile Friendly Too?

Image - mobile friendly sitesToday is the day when Google has started implementing mobile friendliness as a search engine ranking factor. The actual announcement in this regard was done two months ago in the official WebMasterCentral blog. It also started showing a tiny warning in the official blog since then. If you use WordPress and if your site is not mobile friendly, yet, there are options to convert it (for free) to fit into mobiles nicely.

Continue reading “Is Your Awesome Site Mobile Friendly Too?”
