W3 Total Cache configuration for Nginx-Apache server stack

During the past 24 hours, there were two people had the following situation and were looking for a solution. Their use-case is…

I’m currently using a Nginx frontend / Apache backend setup. The W3 Total Cache plugin detects Apache and will only show me the Apache rewrite rules.

Here’s another quote from the other person who was looking for a similar solution…

The nginx.conf file does not exist. W3 Total Cache plugin detects that Apache is running – thus gives me the rewrites for that webserver instead. I am using Nignx in front of Apache – not a Nginx/PHP-FPM solution

Interesting, but not uncommon. So, I dived in and modified my existing Nginx rules for WP Super Cache plugin and provided a unique solution. Continue reading “W3 Total Cache configuration for Nginx-Apache server stack”

W3 Total Cache 1.0? – Sneak Peek!

Banner of W3 Total Cache pluginUpdate (Feb 5, 2013): The beta version that I tested, has been released as version with more features than mentioned below. So, this post is void as of February 5, 2013 (in less than 2 weeks of publishing it). :(-

W3 Total Cache is back in active development, nearly after a year. I’m one of the lucky people who got the opportunity to test the beta version of the upcoming release, probably! It brings a few new features, including a more-intuitive troubleshooter. Continue reading “W3 Total Cache 1.0? – Sneak Peek!”

W3 Total Cache Alternatives

Cachify Logo for the post entitled W3 Total Cache plugin alternativesThere is no doubt that W3 Total Cache has so many options to optimize any WordPress site than any other caching plugin. Even if you use all the features it offers there are other ways to achieve the same, manually, with better efficiency and better results.

Additionally, if you have used W3 Total Cache plugin for at least a year, especially on a multisite, you’d know that it is not a perfect plugin. As with any other plugin out there, it has its own bugs, does some nasty things, some unsatisfied users, had some security flaws on some hosts and a lot more. What’s more, it is not actively developed as of now. The latest development log shows that it’s been 5 months since the last commit with the number of unanswered questions growing by every day in the WordPress support forums.


Continue reading “W3 Total Cache Alternatives”
